The Evolution of Our Name
Very Special Arts (VSA) was a stand-alone nonprofit organization, founded by Jean Kennedy Smith in 1974 and based in Washington, D.C., and funded through a line item within the U.S. Department of Education’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) entitled Arts in Education.
1977 - 1985 - The first Very Special Arts Festival in Wisconsin took place at the Milwaukee Art Center on June 11, 1977 under the leadership of co-chairs Kent Anderson and Ken Cottingham. The Milwaukee Very Special Arts Festival was one of only 27 pilot sites selected for festivals in 1977 by the National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped. (The National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped (NCAH) was incorporated in 1975 as a non-profit organization in Washington, D.C.). Following a national directive, the Wisconsin Alliance for Arts Education assumed the responsibility for the development of VSA Festival's in Wisconsin in 1980. From 1974 to 1985, Between 1977 and 1984 Festivals were held in cities including Racine/Kenosha, Milwaukee, Wausau and Sheboygan.
1985 - Very Special Arts Wisconsin was accredited by the National Committee- Arts for the Handicapped, an affiliation of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The first state office was established in Madison, Wisconsin. Nancy Kane became Wisconsin's first Very Special Arts Festival State Coordinator on January 15, 1983.
1986 - Very Special Arts Wisconsin met the criteria established by the national office and established itself as a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Very Special Arts Wisconsin was the official Wisconsin affiliate of VSA, an international organization founded in 1974 by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith, dedicated to providing arts and education opportunities for people with disabilities and increasing access to the arts for all. Kay Lindblade was hired by the Wisconsin Alliance for Arts Education in March of 1985 as the quarter time State Coordinator and later became the organization’s first Executive Director.
1999 - Very Special Arts Wisconsin formally changed its name to VSA arts of Wisconsin, as directed by the national VSA office.
2010 - VSA arts of Wisconsin formally changed its name to VSA Wisconsin as directed by the VSA national office.
2019 - VSA Wisconsin embarked on a rebranding initiative to better reflect our mission, vision, programs, and audience. On August 25, 2019 the name was changed to Arts for All Wisconsin. While the Kennedy Center discontinued the affiliate program, we are members of the Access/VSA International Network, a program of the Kennedy Center for the Arts, and continue to work with Access/VSA on various contracts. Most importantly, we still share Jean Kennedy Smith’s original vision of providing arts opportunities for all.